Hello, nice to see you here!
I’m Jenna Doe, wedding photographer from New York
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July Cover Girl 2020
My first BLOG Post! First off thank you for taking time out of your day to read our blog! I will attempt to do this ever so often to make something new and interesting on our site that might benefit your understand of what we do for our clients! In my Facebook Group...
The ever GORGEOUS Laura graces our timeline…. and wait for it….. There will be others! Link in bio to submit your application. Not all who fill out the application, will be selected. The difference being, accepted and not accepted is, depending on your reason for why you are applying…. Hair Toss and an unexpected gorgeous photo came from this little play moment of ideas when….. BAMBooking Now! Link in Bio
July Cover Girl 2020
My first BLOG Post! First off thank you for taking time out of your day to read our blog! I will attempt to do this ever so often to make something new and interesting on our site that might benefit your understand of what we do for our clients! In my Facebook Group...